Sunday, 25 October 2015

my presentations sem 1

Peper  : 2  The Neo Classical Literature
 Robinson  crusoe  as a myth maker

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Robinson Crusoe from ashadodiya15
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perpe : 1  The Renaissance  Literature
 The  Metaphysical poetry : Death be not proud
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Death be not proud from ashadodiya15

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Perpe : 3  Literary  Theory & Criticism

Wordsworth poet For ordinary Person .

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wordsworth from ashadodiya15

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perpe 4 Indian Writing in English

The Fakeer  of jungheera as love story

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Fakeer of jungheera as a love story from ashadodiya15

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Friday, 23 October 2015

Hamlet as a revenge play

Name: - Dodiya Asha .b

Roll no: - 12

SEM: - 1

Title: - Hamlet as a revenge play

Paper no: - 1(The renaissance literature)

Submitted:-Maharaja Krishnakumarsingh university Bhavnagar.
Department of English.

Hamlet as a revenge play


          Shakespeare was a groundbreaking pioneer in his time and wrote plays that were totally different from anything the world had ever seen before. He explored the human spirit and what Big Willy wrote Hamlet between 1599 and 1601, and the play tells the story of Prince Hamlet. Hamlet, in particular, has a lot of "most famous" things in it. It is Shakespeare's most line: "To be or not to be, that is the question." If extraterrestrials were to visit Planet Earth, we would probably put a copy of Hamlet in their welcome basket. It's that good. Now, over Here I am going to consider “Hamlet” as a revenge tragedy. Before doing so, I would like to discuss something about Elizabethan era in which the play was written.

                        “Hamlet” as a revenge play :

          During the Elizabethan era the revenge plays were well acclaimed. Most of them were a typical tragedy, a melodrama with so many twists and turns to keep the audience spellbound. Shakespeare has also enriched the field of revenge plays with his “Hamlet”. But Hamlet is certainly a great advance on The Spanish Tragedy. Hamlet is definitely a great example of it as a revenge play quite perfectly. Hamlet is definitely one of the greatest revenge stories ever written and it was all influenced first by Sophocles, Euripides and other Greeks, and that were required for the consummation of a great revenge tragedy.

Characteristics of a revenge play and their application in “Hamlet”:

(1) Such play deals with the theme of murder or some crime to the person of the state.

                     In this reference we can say that the central theme of the play “Hamlet” is revenge to be taken. The play “Hamlet” is built upon the long, tragic conflict between Hamlet and Claudius the play namely exposition, gradual development of the plot, the suspense, climax and the catastrophe of the play is the revenge, especially the revenge for the death of father. It is not the plot. In the play “Hamlet” two of the characters’ fathers are brutishly murdered. The first murdered character is King Hamlet who is supposed to be revenged by his son prince Hamlet. Hamlet and Laertes go to seek revenge for the death of fathers, however they will each use different methods to accomplish their deeds.
So far as the crime to the person of the state is concerned, the king Claudius makes a secret plan to kill Hamlet while Hamlet is in England.     
(2)The ghost of the dead appears to tell about the identity of the killer.

                     Generally speaking the ghost is a part of the machinery of the revenge play, and as such the ghost in Hamlet. The ghost is primarily connected with the motif of revenge; and so there thing that nobody will question. The opening scene sets the tune of the whole playa play shrouded in mystery and terror. The ghost does indeed visible appear, but it is a shadowy figure, We can observe the subtle skill of Shakespeare in that the ghost is not made to speak but strides away majestically. It leaves a profound impression upon the night guards. Horatio becomes to our state.” The ghost appears twice in the opening scene, but will vouchsafe no reply to Horatio’s question. The speculation that the ghost invokes Horatio has some bearing upon communicated to Hamlet.

                     In “Hamlet” the Prince of Denmark is urged in very strong terms by the ghost of the dead king to take revenge upon Claudius who has ascended to the throne by foul means, whose guilt The real tension of the play begins as soon as the ghost of the late tells Hamlet about his murder. Hamlet learns that his father's death was no mistake, but it was Hamlet's uncle's take revenge upon Claudius. So, like a typical revenge tragedy, in Hamlet a crime  is committed and for various reasons laws and justice cannot punish the crime "And so I am revenged. That would be scanned: A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, d this same villain send to heaven;"

                     In this quote, Hamlet states that since he is his father's only son, it is up to him to avenge his murder. This development for Hamlet comes after his encounter with his father.

Plot overview=Major conflict:-

            Hamlet feels a responsibility to avenge his father’s murder by his uncle Claudius but Claudius is now in hamlet would be morally justified in taking revenge on his uncle
                In Hamlet the revenge is of son for the murder of father. Revenge the desire to retaliate for an injury is a powerful natural  and dangerous human emotion.
-         Claudius convinces him that hamlet is to blame for his father’s and sister’s deaths when Horatio and the king receive letters from hamlet indicating that the prince has returned to demark after pirater attacked his ship en route to England audios concocts a plan to use Laertes drier for revenge to secure hamlet’s death
                   Revenge never sleeps as Thomas kyd dramatically demonstrate in his work.

     = Seneca and Thomas kyd revenge tragedy
       The Spanish tragedy and titus and romicaus  are the early
and successful examples of the dramatic use of revenge.Chief feature of revenge play. There is much bloodshed and physical horrors.

Delay in revenge :-

                       Most  interpreters  of hamlet s tart with the assumption that the tragic her has a clear and sacred obligation to kill Claudius and to do so without delay .the Basic question than is why does so much time elapse.
Hamlet had acted prompty  instead of verbalism in which he repeatedly form preastination gestured Polonius,Reasons for his delay. Hamlet the victim of external difficultier.

                        Hamlet the senitimenta dreamer:-

-Leading romantic critics of the late eighteenth and eary nineteenth centuries and gifted in many ways but incapable of positive action.

- Goethe hamlet is a young man of lovely pure and moral nature without the strength of nerve which forms a hero .

- A.W.Schleget – “no firm belief either in himself or in anything else… in the resolution which he so often embracer and always leaves unexecuted his weakness in too apparent.

- chloride hamlet suffers from an “over balance of the contemplative faculty” and like any man thereby. William Hazlitt  in the 20th century Arthur quiller church “hamlet character is the prevalence of the abstracting and generalizing habit overs the practical.

-  Hamlet the victim of the Oedipus complex Freadin interpretations. Dr. Ernest Jones :- disciple and biographer of signmund freud concisely stated in hamlet and Oedipus it that prince of demark suffered from in Oedipus complex. Mr.Haery Levin:- this ingenious theory “motivates hamlet’s delay by identitying him with Claudius through whom he has vicariously accomplished the oedipal feat of murdering.

 A summary of the play :

                The main lines of the plot of hamlet are clear hamlet prince of Denmark and heir presumptive to the danish throne is grief stricken and plunged into melancholy by the recent death of his father and the “o’erhasty” remarriage of his mother to her late husband ‘s
                  Hamlet is tasked with avenging his father’s horrible and unnatural murder. However, he faces a dilemma: should he believe in the honesty of the ghost? The ghost might be a devil. By nature a thinker and truth-seeker, his first step is to evaluate the truth of the ghost’s command, but this self-examination causes delay. Moreover, his extreme depression at his mother’s detestable remarriage, and the fact that Claudius was elected king, has served to make him sarcastic and disbelieving.
                   A chain of circumstances provides a series of obstacles that Hamlet first has to overcome in order to achieve his revenge. This however, affects Hamlet on a spiritual level, as he accepts that both good and evil exist in the world, and that there is a fitness in performing his duty of revenge. His nobility and balance is at constant war with each other from the beginning to the end of the play. The ethical concerns Hamlet has for Claudius and Gertrude are plain to see, at the time, the church considered marriage to a sister in law tantamount to incest. Hamlet’s ethical concerns surrounding his mother’s sudden remarriage is overtly expressed when Gertrude asks Hamlet at her wedding,
"If it be, why seems it so particular with thee?" Hamlet disputes Gertrude’s charge that he is being hypocritical, "Seems, madam? Nay, it is, I know not ‘seems’…"
                  For him, she is the one who has shown hypocrisy and he does not agree with her ‘seems’  Whereas, Hamlet’s social concerns for Denmark is purely centered around the king and the influence he might have on the rest of the kingdom. Hamlet makes use of an ambiguous pun that depicts his dislike towards Claudius’s insincerity and Claudius’s attempt to polish over what has happened. Hamlet displays clear hostility, "A little more than kin, and less than kind",  Hamlet is more than close in relationship to Claudius an uncle and a ‘father’, but He resents him and has no feelings of liking and kinship for Claudius.

Topic: Terms of Criticism

                Name: Dodiya Asha B

Semester: 1

Roll no.:12

Std: MA Part 1

Paper no: 3 Literary theory and Criticism

Topic: Terms of Criticism :

Submitted to:

Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

Introduction :-

            A Glossary  of literary term :-

M.H.Abraham frist publish in 1957, A Glossary of literary Term cantain succinet essays on the terms used in disccusing literature, litarary history and literary crticism
           First published fifty years ago a glossary of literary tems remains an essential text for all.
         M.H Abraams Born :- Meyes  howerd Abrams july 23 1912.
          Died :- April 21 2015
          Nationaality :-American
       Other names :- Mike         Abraams.
          M.H Abrams was an American liteary critic known For works on romanticism in purticular his  book the mirror and the lamp under Abrams editorship the north Antholoy of English Literartuse.
Classification of literary therories :-

Ø  Litereary therories ,abrams argues can  be divided into four main groups.

1.      Mimetic  Therories.
2.      Pragmativc therories.
3.      Expressive therories.
4.      Objective therories.
Ø  Literary theory and criticism : some critics  consider literary criticism a parctical application of literary theory because criticism always deals directly with purticalur literary works while theory may be more general or abstract.

ð  Literary criticim :-

                           Literary criticim is the study evaluation and interpretation of literatare  modern literary criticism is often by literary theory which is the philosophical discussion of literature’s methods and goals.
ð  Criticism:-
Criticism or more specifically  literary criticism is the overall term fom studies conerned with defining classifying analyzing interpeting and evaluating works of literature.

       =>    Theortical  Criticism 

        Theortical Criticism proposes an explicit the ory of litera in the sense of generl  principles with a setof terms distinction and categories to be applied to identifying and analyzing works of literature as well  as the criteria by which these and their writers are to be eavluated.
      There are listd and dated in the entry theoies of literature, current each theory in that list is also given a separate entry in this glossary for a discussion of the special  uses of the term “theory” in these current critical move ments see poststructuralism.

ð  Practical Criticism  or  applied criticism :-

                   Practical criticism or applied  criticism concerns itself with the discussion of pariticul  works and writers in an applid critique the theoretical principles controlling the mode of the analysis interpretion  and eimvaluation are often left implicit or brought in only as the occasion demands. 

                 Practical criticism is sometimes distinguished into impressionionistic and judicial criticism.
ð  Impressionistic criticism :-

                         Impressionistic criticism attempts to represent  in  words the felt qualities of a particular passage or work and to express the responses that the work directly evokes from the critic.And  walter pater said that in criticism 

             “the first step toward seeing one’s object as it really is know one ‘s impression  as it really is to discriminate it to realise it distinctly “
And posed as the basic question “what is this song or picture …to me “ at its extreme this mode of criticism becomes in anatole france’s phrase
                “    The adventures of a sensitive soul among masterpieces.”

ð  Judicial criticism :-
                            Judicial criticism  on the other hand attempts not merely to communicate but to anaylye and explain the effects of a work by reference to its subject organganiztion techniques and style  and to base the critic’s individual judments on specified criteria of literary excellence. Rarely are these two modes of criticism sharply distinct in practice but good examples  of primarily imperssionistic of the  odyssey in his treatise on the sublime hazlitt walter paterand and some of the twentieth cenntury crtical essys of E .m forste   and virginia woolf.
                                      Types of traditional critical theories and of applied criticism can be use full distinguished according  to  whether in explaining  and judging  a work of literature they the work primarilly to the outer world or to the reader or to the author or else treat the work as as an entity in itself.

ð  Mimetic criticism:-

                   mimetic criticism views the literary work as an imitation or reflection or represention of the world and human life and the primary crierion applied to a work is the “truth” of its repersentatiion to the subiect matter that it represents  or should represent this mode of criticism which first appeared in plato and in aristole remains characteristic of modern theories of literary realism .
ð  Pragmatic criticism :-
                                 Pragmatic criticism views the work as something which is constructed in order to achieve certain effects on the audience and it tends to judge the value of the work according to its succcess in achieving that aim. This approach which largely dominated literary discussion fom the this verisfied art of poetry by the roman horace through the eighteenth century has been revived in recent rhetorical criiticism which emphasizes the artistic strategies by which an author engages and influences the responses of readers to the also been adopted by some strucraalists who analyze a literary text as a syst ematic play of codes which effec the interpretaatve responses of the reader.

ð  Expresssive  criticism :-

                                   Expressive criticism treats a litary work primariily in relaton to its author it definer poetry as exprssion or overflow or utterance of feelings or as the product of the poet’s imagination operating on his or her thoughtpaychoanalytic s and to the poet individual visiob or state of mind and it often seeks in the work evidences of the particujar feeligs it tends to judge the workby its sinceriity or its adequacy temperament and experience of the the author who consciously or un conscied mainly by romantic critics in the I the eary nineteenth century and remain current in our own time especiially in the writing of psy chological and criticis and in criticis of consciousness such    as george poulet and the geneva school.

ð  Objection criticissm :-

                            Objective criticics deals with awork a of lieratur is somethingwhich stands free from whou is often called “extrinsic “ relations to the poet or to the audience or to the environing world instead to the scribes the as a world in ob ject or else as a world itself whichis to be contemplated as its own end to be analyzed and judged sleey by “intrinsic” critieria such as its commplexity coherence equilibaium integrity and the in terrelation of its component elements.

                           The general viewpoint of the self sufficiency of an aesthetic objec was proposed in kant’s kant’s critique of aesthetic judgment see distance and involvermet was taken of up by proponets of art for sake in the latter of the nineteenth century and has  been elaboratd in detailed modes of 1920s inciuding the new critics the chicago school ad proponents of euperan for  maalism.
                An essntl  enterprise  that the ordinary reader taken for granted is the to es tablish the text a literary work to be put in print see the enty textual criticism  it is also a reeas of know frquet varie ares of knowledge the partiary charca tristics and values of a literary  work in the be any this  is” accrdingly  criaticism” and archetypal or myth cricticsm , which undertes to explain the formation of types of literature by refernce to the view  and ritual in modern about myth culturl anthropology.

             On criticism in the earlier nineteenth cetury see abrams the mirror and the lamp and on twetieth century criticism S.E .Hyman the armed vision murray krieger the new applogists for poetry Jonathan culler stucturalist poetics and liter theory A very Short Introuction Grant webster the republlc of letters  a History of postwar american liteary opinion and liteary theory 1890 to the present.

               For a detaalied discussion of the cassification of traditional theories that is represened in this eaay see M H Abrams The mirror and the Lamp   chapter 1 and types and Orientations  0f criticism theories in doing thiggs with texts Essays in criticism and critical theory on types of liter histories o criticism and the mayn about him this in be way Theroy on types of criical approach refer aslo to rene wellek and ed austin warren theory of literature historier of criticism chassical criticim geoge a kennedy bernard weinberg a history of criticism in the italian renais sance rene wellk a history of literary of the modern critiscism .
                  Convenient  anthologies of literary criticism : A H  Gillbert and  G. W . Allen Literary  Criticism plato  to croce  W. j . Bate Criticism the major texts lionel trilling  literary Criticism An  introductory Reader Anthologies of recent trillign literary criticism  and current criticism .  hazard Adam and Leroy searle,eds, critical theory since 1965 (1986) ; vassilis Lambropoulos and david neal miller eds 20th century literary theory: (1988); Robert con Davis and ronald schleifer contemporary literary criticism. Suggested readings in current types of critiacal theory are included in the entry of this glossary for each type.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

A journey of Gulliver Travels.

Name: Dodiya Asha


Roll no: 12

Work: Assignment

Topic: - A journey of Gulliver Travels.

Email. id:

Submitted bY: Smt. S. B. Gardi,
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.
Department of English.

                              “Gulliver’s travels” was the culmination of swift’s literary achievement- his magnum opus. It was begun in 1720 and finally published in 1726. It is at once a delightful, fantastic story of adventure for children a political journye and a serious satire on human nature, on contemporary political, social institution, religious controversies and on the manners and morals of the stage. This book is written in the form of travelogue. The hero and narrator and the protagonist character of the story is “Lemuel Gulliver”, an English physician who opts to travel as a ship’s surgeon when he is unable to take care of his family on his meager income. Gulliver is endowed with a keen, almost journalistic sense of reportage, and a desire to travel. The book is made up of four parts, each dealing with the person’s experiences in a different fantasy land.
            Before we see more about Gulliver’s Travels, Let’s see first of all about journey and satire.

 What is an journey?
            An journey is a literary genre which is structured in such a way that its meaning could be read on two levels, and a secondary and more complex level. An allegory is defined as a narrative in which the characters, plot, setting and occasion, while making sense in themselves also signify a second layer of meaning where they point at another set of people, events and setting either from the writer’s mass, milieu or recent historical events. It is a figurative mode of representation where ideas are conveyed through symbolism and metaphor.
            In “Gulliver’s Travels”, Swift uses satire on highlight the allegorical elements in his tale. He has used allegory as a vehicle in an excellent way.

:-  What is a satire?
            Satire is a literary genre in which human vices, weaknesses, foibles and follies are held up to ridicule. Wit and humor are commonly used as instrument of satire.

            In “Gulliver’s Travels”, Swift uses satire as a vehicle to point out to the depraved state of human kind. Some critics have observed that Swift is a misanthropist because the paints human nature as a whole in a sordid and gloom light, almost as if there are no redeeming features to humanity.

     Swift seems to be holding up a mirror to society so that in viewing the gross magnification of its vices, humanity has a hope for the future.
          The journey  and satire, in a sense, are interwoven inextricably and deftly.

:-   Part- 1 : - A Voyage to Lilliput
          This deals with Gulliver’s experiences in the land of the little people, who are no more than six-inches tall. It is on one level an absorbing tale of the adventures of the giant Gulliver among the midgets of Lilliput and on another level rich in England. It is above all a scathing satire on the moral pettiness of human as seem in the behaviour of the Lilliputians. Human beings are filled with and importance and cannot view themselves and objectivity. Their pride and boastfulness are revealed as ridiculous when perceived from Gulliver’s great height.

          As we saw that the people of Lilliput are more than six-inches tall. All their acts and motives are on the same dwarfish, petty quarrels of these dwarfs, we are supposed to see the littleness and humanity. The statesmen who obtain place and favour by cutting monkey capers the tight rope before their sovereign and the two great parties, the little-endians and big-endians, who plugs the country into civil-war over the momentous question of whether an egg should be broken on its big or on politics of Swift’s own days and generations.

          In society, also, we see that type of people who shows littleness in their nature and also shows the narrow mind. All their actions and aims in life are at low level. They never try to come out from it. Their narrow and they live their life.
         They are always busy in petty things because they can’t think they can’t think to go ahead in life. This shows in trivial matters.

:-  Part – 2 : - A Voyage to Brobdingnag
          In this voyage, the situation is reversed. Gulliver is now marooned and dwarfed in the land of giants who are over forty feet tall. He now becomes the midget he had laughed at in Lilliput, observed through the microscopic eyes of Gulliver, the Brobdingnagians are hideous in size and stature and Gulliver realizes that he must have been just as hideous to the little people in Lilliput. Here, Swift satirizes the physical grossness of the human and the grotesque ugliness of the human body. Gulliver is little more than an insect in Brobdingnag and at his best, an amusing toy.

        When Gulliver tells about his own people, their ambitions and comes and conquests, the giants can only wonder that such great venom could exist in such little insects. Here, in the second part, Gulliver is alone among the giants. He is showed as insects among the Brobdingnagians because they think this way.

         Here, Swift satires on the Brobdignagian’s unpleasant and unattractively large body. In a way, there are lots of people in society who are huge at status but their thinking shows their narrowness.

          Also he satires on the ugliness of the Brobdignagians. It shows that the thinking of that time of people who has very ugly motif in their life to fulfil their wishes.

           We can see this, Brobdignagians, type of people around us and also both we can see the physical grossness and ugliness in people. By this, we can know their aims of life. They just boast on their endeavor, conquest.

            This type of people believes that others are nothing before them. They show others inferior but in reality, their unattractivity and ugliness becomes them inferior.

:-  Part – 3 : -  A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Language, Glubdubdrib, and Japan

                     In this voyage, Swift satires on the Scientist and Philosophers of the age. The people of Laputa have extraordinary physical features- head turned at angle, one eye turned upward and the other inward. Through the people of Laputa, Swift ridicules the experiments of the royal society and allied institution of the time.

                   The frightening emptiness and sterility of a purely scientific society is evident from this book. The philosophers who worked eight years to extract sunshine from cucumbers are typical of Swift’s satire treatment of all scientific problems. It is in this voyage hear of the struldbrugs, a ghastly race of the men who are doomed to live up on the earth after losing hope and the desire for life.

                  The picture is all the more terrible in view of the last years of Swift’s own life in which he was compelled to live on a burden to himself and his friends.
                   In this third good, Gulliver’s journeys go through different people, culture, custom and rules. The strange thing of the people of Laputa regarding the physical structure of the body shows types of people at that time. Also Swift’s disliked the society of his time that’s why he satires on it.

    Here, cucumber is the typical of Swift’s satiric treatment of all scientific problems. This shows the ridiculous thing of scientific problems show that time of things.
                  There are different types of people who show different types of culture of swift’s time.

:- Part  4 :- A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnms:-

                In this voyage, Gulliver narrates his experiences of his journey to the land of the Houyhnhnms and the yahoos. The horses are creatures governed by solely by reason, free from any emotions and passions, while the yahoos who physically resemble human beings are ruled purely by animal’s instincts.
                Swift seems to indicate to us that the nature of the human is complex and defies definition unlike that of the yahoos and the Houyhnhnms. The book for all its harsh satire and anger, instructs human to see themselves with humility and honesty and it condemns pride ego and myopic self-esteem. It urges every person to use reason to be a good Christian. Swift here tries to say that we have to live our life in away in which we can show the humanity.

                Swift emphasized on the yahoos that despite of human being, they are unspeakable persons who show the brutality of that time. Also by the female yahoos Swift shows the lust in their nature this also a picture of his time.

                We have to live like a good Christian and try to avoid that all things which damages humanity.

:-  Conclusion :-

                    By these four voyages, Gulliver’s journey goes through different types of people, culture, customs, beliefs etc. they show the society of swift’s time. Like, how they cure narrow minded also interested in petty things and unattractive appearances and ugliness of humanity etc.

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