Tuesday, 29 March 2016

popular culture

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M.K.BHAVNAGAR University

Written by:- Dodiya Asha B

                                             Course No:-08

          Email Id :- ashadodiya15@gmail.com

        Enrolment no :- PG15101012

         Topic :- popular culture

 Introduction :-

                       Culture’ is a term which has may connotations cultural is refinement or development of mind tastes, etc. by education, training and experience. ‘Culture’, derives from ‘Cultura’ and ‘colere’ meaning ‘to cultivate’. It also meant ‘to honour’ and ‘project’ by the 19th century in Europe it tastes of the upper class (elite). culture’ is the mode of producing meaning When we discussed about Cultural Studies first we  discussed about the word ‘‘Culture’’. ‘Culture’ has meant before that ‘Culture’ derives from ‘culture’ and ‘colure’, meaning ‘to cultivate’. It also meant ‘to honor’ and ‘protect’. By the nineteenth century in Europe it meant the habits, customs and tastes of the upper classes. At the present time it is define in Cultural Studies as ‘Culture’ is the mode of generating meanings and ideas.

                                                                                                       Popular culture:-


                       The term "popular culture" was coined in the 19th century or earlier Popular culture is entirely about ideas, perspective attitude, image and other phenomena attitude, image and other phenomena. When we discussed about Cultural Studies first we discussed about the word ‘‘Culture’’. ‘Culture’ has meant before that ‘Culture’ derives from ‘culture’ and ‘colure’, meaning ‘to cultivate’. It also meant ‘to honor’ and ‘protect’ attitude, image and other phenomena. The abbreviated from  “pop” for popular   Popular culture is connected with our society and our everyday life before 1960s popular culture was not studied by academics film studied, women’s studies, pulp fiction, comic book television, popular music, race, gender, class, reshaped and reshaped in popular cultural analyses.

                William Gibson, Bruse sterling, Melissa Scott, pat
cadigan write on science fiction, fantasy, contemporary realism

Popular culture is the entirety of ideas, perspectives attitudes means images and other phenomena. There was a time before the 1960s when popular culture was not studied by academics. When it was, well just popular culture.

                   Generally , Popular culture is considered as the cheap literature- cheap culture. but..Within American studies programs at first and then later in many disciplines including semiotics, rhetoric, literary criticism, films studies, anthropology, history , women studies , ethnic study, and psychoanalytic approaches critic examine such cultural media as pulp fiction, comic books, television, film ,advertising, popular music and computer cyber culture. They assess how such factors as ethnicity, race , gender, class, age, region and sexuality are shaped by the reshaped in popular culture.

Popular culture has four main types to analyze:

“ Why she is popular?

                   Now a days, Kajal Oza Vaidhya is so popular female writer but also criticize Why? Only because she  is woman and being a woman , she can’t write with such subjects. Still now female doesn’t touch these subjects.

“ Why one man confesses his truth , he is clapped and why woman confesses she is blamed ?”

       According to me, the period of the both writers Chetan Bhagat and Kajal Oza are Transition period and transition period is the most important in cultural studies. She writes many books like…….

1.    “Yoga- Viyoga”
2.    “Draupadi”
3.    “Krishnayana”
4.    “Madhyabindu”
5.    “Dariyo Ek Tarasni”

                I surely say that these are the texts in which readers actually find what they want to read. No doubt, her writing is different from Chetan Bhagat but she write for  all women who are housewives , working women , males also.

                  Popular culture is the culture of masses. Popular culture is the set of practices, artefacts and beliefs and shared by the masses. Cultural studies started to study popular culture and now many disciplines including semiotics, rhetoric, literary criticism, film studies, anthropology, history, women’s studies, ethnic studies, and psychoanalytic approaches, critic examine such cultural media as pulp fiction, comic books, television, film advertising, popular music and computer cyber culture.

                       Popular culture is the accumulated store of cultural products such as music, art, literature, television, film, radio that are consumed primarily by non-elite groups such as the working, lower or middle class.

                    That way, popular culture is ‘true culture’ but not a great culture. With studying popular culture, one can get true and real picture of society.  
                         There are four main types of popular culture analyses:  Production analysis, textual analysis, audience analysis and historical analysis. These analyses seek to get beneath the surface, denotative meanings, and examine more implicit, connotative social meanings.

                     Sometimes, popular culture creates doubt to elite culture. It can so overtake and repackage a literary work that it is impossible to read the original text without reference to the many layers of popular culture that have developed around it  Elite culture is widely studied by critics.

 Elite culture :-


                  Elite culture is widely studied by  critics.  It is a term that particularly references the cultural tastes of the established aristocracy, the commercial bourgeoisie, educated bureaucrats and political power breakers, and the professions in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

                        Elite culture is very “high” and “intellectual” culture. It has very closed cultural domains, more omnivorous and not free as popular culture. Elite culture is in very few scales and it has bounded structure.

                          So, academic studies would look at ‘great works of art’ or ‘classical authors’. The taste of the elite culture is also very high and standard. Some examples are classical songs, classical thought provoking intellectual documentary movies, picture and art galleries can be called as examples of elite culture.

popular culture  Vs Elite  culture : Comparison with  example :-


 Popular culture is a culture for majority and Elite culture is considered and known as ‘high’ or ‘great’, ‘intellectual’ culture. And popular culture is considered as ‘law’ and ‘mass’ culture. Meanings are governed by power relations and elite culture.

                   Elite culture, as known as great, is respected by popular culture. But elite culture rejects and insults popular culture. Non-elite views on life and art are rejected as ‘tasteless’, ‘useless’ or even stupid by elites. For example, hit films are always rejected by some elite critics and they always praise controversial and critical ‘high’ non-popular movies.

                                   But popular culture is very simple and presents human emotion  s and human life as it is, in a simple, understandable way. For example, classical music, philosophical literature, grammar schools, critical analyses, poetry, encyclopedias  are always liked by elites, and they show elite culture, whereas folk music, popular sports, movies, entertainer arts, news papers, novels are examples of popular culture.

                      Popular culture reflects real mentality, true picture of society. Elite culture reflects highness or greatness of that society. So, if we want to study real society and human nature, we should study popular culture and if we want to study goodness and intellectuality, we should study elite culture.

                      For example, majority of society does not read the writing of Rabindranath Tagore or Shakespeare’s plays and these are known as respectable arts. But any critic or elite does not study famous novels of contemporary writer seriously as considering these as art and relegating them to the realm of popular culture.

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