Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Edward said.

S. B. Gardi Deartment Of  English M.K.Bhavnagar University

Written by:- Dodiya Asha B
           Course No:-11

Email Id :- ashadodiya15@gmail.com

Enrollment no :- PG15101012
Introduction :-

Image result for Edward said image
Edward said was born on 1st November, 1935 Jerusalem, tsreal.and died on 24st sepetember, 2003 New York City, New York united states. Edward said was a Palestinian American literary theorist and public intellectual who helped found the critical theory field of Post colonialism. Orientalism by Edward said is a foundational text for the academic field of post-colonial studies.
What is Orientalism? 
"Orientalism” is a way of seeing that imagines, emphasizes, exaggerates and distorts differences of Arab peoples and cultures as compared to that of Europe and the U.S. It often involves seeing Arab culture as exotic, backward, uncivilized, and at times dangerous. Edward W. Said, in his groundbreaking book, Orientalism, defined it as the acceptance in the West of “the basic distinction between East and West as the starting point for elaborate theories, epics, novels, social descriptions, and political accounts concerning the Orient, its people, customs, ‘mind,’ destiny and so on.”
According to Said, Orientalism dates from the period of European Enlightenment and colonization of the Arab World. Orientalism provided a rationalization for European colonialism based on a self-serving history in which “the West” constructed “the East” as extremely different and inferior, and therefore in need of Western intervention or “rescue”.

Orentalism can be discussed and analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with the orient dealing with it by making statements about it, authorizing view of it, describing it,by teaching short orientalism as a western style for dominating, restructuring and having authority over the orient.

  -Edward said.
The word orientalist and orientalism broadly described something a kind words to what we known how as, “area studies.” said outlines…what he perceived to be the consistent patterns of orientalism in European literature; the throughout literature all image of the east derive not from actual encounters or direct knowledge. But the creation and affirmation or preconceived, resulting in a indigenized orient, instead of an actual /east.
The orient as almost a European invention, and had been since anti quality a place of romance exotic begins, haunting memories and landscapes, remarkable experiences. “one of the most important thing Is that orient has helped to define Europe.” And can we say that none of this orient is merely imaginative.

The Methodological problems?

(A) Historically and Materially
(B) Academic
(C) Imaginative Meaning

Three contemporary aspect:

1) The distinction between pure and political
2) The Methodological question
3) The personal dimension

.Reasonable qualification:-
Said said that..
1st qualification; - it would be wrong to conclude that the orient was essentially an idea, or accretion with no correspond reality.
2nd qualification: - ideas, cultures, and histories cannot seriously be understood or studied without their configuration of power.
There are three aspect of contemporary reality:-
1. The distinction between pure and political knowledge.
2. The methodological question.
3. The personal dimension.

The scoop of Orientalism”

The term Orientalism” derived from Latin word east. Orientalism is irrational, power of structure, it is more important of the view. There are most important theme White man burden. It’s linguistic of the way. Edward Said is challenged the European or American people thinking, political issue or Orientalism. Two theme followed by Knowledge and power. Here is a very difficult task of the Arabic or European people but they have all about structure are important aspect of the Way. Culture, power, political, intellectual it’s dominated strategy. Orientalism divided in two part of Ours” and “Their” are consequence of the way. Orientalism culture studies are east or west is connected with “Orient” or “Occident”. Orient is Middle East specialists. Different between “Orient” and “Occident

The opposite term “Orient” means “East” or “Occident” means “West”. It is a literary and formal word for Western. There are relation between power and domination. Orient mean west or they discuss in English authority of western world. It is an antonym of Occidental. It is an antonym of Oriental. “Orient” or “occident” it’s sector creation. 

Orient politically, structure, imperialism different between The East is East or West is West.” We can say that the orient is stereotypes and sophisticated abstractions. Differentiation creates problems especially political and other problem are white man or Muslim people. Orientalism expresses the culture, ideology, economically its stereotype of the style and imagination. Here comes Hegemony’, that means we have to be exceptional and if we do not then we becomes hegemonic. 

Edward Said argument

Orientalism is and does not simply represent a considerable dimension of modern, Political, intellectual culture and such had less to do with the orient than it does with “our” world. The Orientalism divided the part by Civil- Uncivil, East-West, Occident-Orient, White, Muslim, Our- there are discuss of the European culture.

Orientalism (book) Orientalism is a 1978 book by Edward W. Said, in which Said studies the cultural representations that are the bases of Orientalism, the West's patronizing perceptions and fictional depictions of "The East" — the societies and peoples who inhabit the places of Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East.

Edward Said

My Orientalism is Middle East or Islam”
Orientalist structure and Restructure

Second chapter of Structure or Restructure are Points the slight change in the attitude of the Europeans towards the Orientals. Artists as well as scholars were already described as "Orientalists" in the 19th century, especially in France.  European people views are different, the Oriental presented them color of Orientalist and other is perception. The structure of orient is nothing more than a structure of lies or the myths which, were the truth about them to be told, would simply blow away. History, method, political and academic is a more important of the oriental. Qualification is that ideas, culture, and histories cannot seriously be understood. Human make history, human make their agency it your life.

Men make their own history

The Anglo-French-American experience of the Arab and Islam it is the intellectual authority of the Oriental or west culture.  Western said- it was their duty to civilize people or order to achieve their goal and they had to colonize and rule the orients. European is relationship with power and institution. Immediately upon doing that an India, Japan, china and other sections of regions were not important because one could discuss Europe's experience of the Near Orient. Orientalism is not just idea or valuable because it material and they are connected with power. Anglo-French and American orientalism was a kind of intellectual authority within the western culture. Silvestre de saucy and Ernest Renan worker are Orientalism a new dimension. Saucy thing is very different or they information are useful for or the prejudice that was inherited orientalism. Renan was works important are science, philosopher and idea of orientalism.
Edward said:

Structure or Restructure for studying authority here are what can be called strategic location and describing the authors position and strategic after culture at large”.

Orientalism Now

The last chapter of orientalism is changing the politician in 20th century. Early orientalism didn’t traditional and interacted, And new orients lived with them as if they were one of them. The interchange between the academic and the more or less imaginative meaning of orientalism is a constant one.   There appreciated life style, new trend, language or culture but they have other followed by role. Previous or future of orientalism was that culture/religion of orientalism. Thus, Islam was called mohammadism and Christ was called Christianity. Domination has been so powerful. Islamic orient has had to be center of attention. Islamic oriental did not enjoy this time because Islamic as a week religion, different rule or they have not expected the new generation. Gibb or Massignon was the most famous Islamic oriental of this time. After World War 1 the centre of oriental’s changed from Europe to USA. End of World War 2, all the Europeans colonies were lost and it was believed that there no more “Orientals” and “Occidents” they not really.
The methodological question :

A major lesson I learned and tried to present was that there is no such thing as a merely given, or simply available , starting point : beginning have to be made for each project in such a way as to enable what follows from them.

Yet what German orientalism had in common with Anglo French and later American orientalism was a kind of intellectual authority over the orient within western culture. There is nothing mysterious or natural about authority.

My principal methodological devices for studding authority here are what can be called  strategic  location , which is a way of describing the author's position in a text with regard to the oriental material he writes about, and strategic formation, which is a way of analyzing the relationship between text and the way in which groups of texts, types of texts, even textual genres, acquire mass density , and referential power among themselves and thereafter in the culture at large. He is never concerned with the orient except as the first cause of what he says.


Edward said that Orientalisms are knowledge or power restrict. There are power dominant structures or constricting of the way. It is not political subject matter. He shows the European-Western Imperial power along with the confused feelings of the Oriental countries towards the Western power. Orientalism is all about geography, intellectualism, history and politically corporate of the way.


http://davemayuri201416.blogspot.in/2015/11/paper-11-post-colonial-litrature-what.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orientalism,http://jasaninidhi2014-16.blogspot.in/2015/10/my-presentations-of-sem-3.html

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