paper :-14
Class: M.A. Sem.4
Year: 2015-2017
to: M.K. Bhavnagar University,
Department of English
When a word JOURNALISM comes to a anyone very first difficulty arises that what is actually this term journalism means and what it actually generate in human mind. In simple word can say that Journalism means to provide news, to write reports and articles for newspapers, magazines and that kind of simple stuff but is a general definition in simple sense and words.
Journalism is also as one of the parts of mass communication and media studies. Because books, magazines, pamphlets and posters also need to be included in the label. Journalism as one part of mass communication and media studies. Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience in a timely fashion. Journalism also covers cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. The field includes editing, photojournalism and documentary.
Development of Journalism
A2 Words ‘Journal’ , ‘Journalism’, Journalist’ have their origin in the French word ‘journal’ meaning a book and it has its origin in turn in the Roman word ‘ diurnalis’ meaning daily.
Around 130 B.C. in Rome there grew a practice of putting up two handwritten bulletins in the main public square. These bulletins were known as ‘Acta Diurna’. This was probably the first newspaper, dealing with events rather than views.
Origin of modern western style journalism may be traced back to the occasional news books of 17th century England which offered short summaries of events which had no headlines and large type letters were used.
Definitions of Journalism:
• Journalism is instant history, an account of history as it is being made.
• Journalism is a report of things as they appear at the moment of writing not a definitive study of a situation.
• Journalism is a contemporary report of the changing scene intended to inform readers of what is happening around them.
• In the modern times, Journalism has been turned into a business and an industry.
Aims of Journalism:
• At educating and entertaining its readers so that they can participate fully in the affairs of the state and in the cultural affairs as well.
Functions of Journalism:
• Their main function is to carry different kinds of advertisements that help it to be financially visible and politically independent.
• Their other function include reporting local, national and international news and offering interpretation and opinions into a business venture, the fundamental function remains to sell readers to advertisers.
Industrial Revolution:
Newspapers of that time were in English, and the news only related to British activity in India. As the readers were also British, the local population was not the target. But the Company feared that these Indian papers could get to England and may defame the Company in England. English papers used to take nine months to reach India.
By the early 19th century, many cities in Europe, as well as North and South America, published newspaper-type publications though not all of them developed in the same way; content was vastly shaped by regional and cultural preferences. Advances in printing technology related to the Industrial Revolution enabled newspapers to become an even more widely circulated means of communication.
This innovation made newspapers cheaper and thus available to a larger part of the population.
what makes of News "News?" 6 main reasons:-
location, location,location if the events is happening close by, it will have a greater impact on your readers.
if something is happening now, it has more impact on reader. the most recent development in a story can be used as feature.
3). Prominence:-
if the people in the story are well known the story will have more impact on the most reader. Most people are not as People they do not know.
4). Conflict :-
readers are intrested in rivalries, arguments, fights and disagreements.
5). Novelty :-
if something is unusual original, or unique, readers want to know what is and why it happened.
6). Human interest :-
if the story evokes emotion in the readers such as anger, sadness, or happiness, the reader will have a greater connection with the story will have a greater impact.
v Function of Journalism
The main function of journalism is to carry different kinds of advertisements that help it to be financially viable and politically independent. It‛s other function include reporting local, national and international news and offering interpretation and opinions into a business venture, the fundamental function remains to sell readers to advertisers. Besides it aims at educating and entertaining its readers so that they can participate fully in the affairs of the state and in the cultural affairs as well.
v Types of journalism:
Journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles uses different techniques and writes for different purposes and audiences. So Journalism can be categorized into several types as enlisted below.
Now let’s elucidate these types in detail.
Advocacy Journalism :
Advocacy journalism deals with writing to advocate particular viewpoints or influence the opinions of the audience. It also describes the use of journalism techniques to promote a specific political or social cause. Under this branch, journalists are openly biased towards a particular entity while reporting events or happenings. The information they convey is mostly one sided and tends to defend the specific entity. Most advocacy journalists believe that in their profession, one is very likely to become partial. As a constant follower of any story, it is difficult to stay detached. You eventually will develop an opinion! So instead of trying to be indifferent, one might as well report from his point of view.
Broadcast Journalism :
Journalism which is the field of news and journals which are broadcast or in other words we can say that it is published by electrical methods, instead of the older methods such as printed newspapers and posters. Radio and television broadcasts are designed to get the news out to a wide variety of people in language that is much less formal than traditional print media.
Types of Journalism :-
journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles uses different techniques and writes for different purpose and audiences. so journalism can be categorized into several types as enlisted below.
Advocacy Journalism
Broadcast Journalism
Investigative Journalism
Tabloid Journalism
Yellow Journalism
1) Advocacy journalism:-
2 Broadcast Journalism :-
Broadcast journalism it is also a type of journalism which is the field of news and journal which is the field of news and journals which are broadcast or in other words we can say that it is Published by electrical methods such as printed newspapers and Posters. Media in the broadcast journalism individual television, radio and internet.
Radio and television broadcasts are designed to get the news out to a wide variety of people in language that is much less formal than traditional Print Media.
3 investigative Journalism :-
investigative journalism can be defined a type of journalism that tries to discover information of public interest that someone is trying to hide.
it also includes serious crimes, Political corruption or corporate wrongdoing an investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and Preparing a report.
4 Tabloid Journalism :-
Tabloid Journalism is very much important type of journalism Tabloid Journalism is a newspaper of small format giving the news is condensed from, usually with illustrated often Sensational material.
so it puts more stress on colun about the personal lives of celebrity and sports stars and Junk food news. and it is this sense of the word that led to some entertainment news programs to be called tabloid television.
5 Yellow Journalism :-
it is one of the most significant types of journalism. which highlights little or no legitimate well research news and instead uses every catching headlines to sell more newspaper.
yellow journalism is also known as sensationalism and it is writing which emphasizes exaggerated claims or rumou
The Role of Journalism :-
The role and status of journalism, along with that of the Mass media. has undergone pro-found changes over the last two decades with the advent of digital technology and publication of news on the internet.
This has created a shift the consumption of print media channels, as people in creasing consume new through e reader, smart Phones and other electronic devices challenging news organizations to fully monetize their digital wings as well as improvise on the context in which they publish news in Print.
Thus, we can say that journalism is a contemporary report of the changing scene intended to inform readers of what is happening around them.
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Works Cited
Wikipedia contributors.
"Journalism." Wikipedia,
The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 17 Mar. 2016.
Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
Wikipedia contributors. " Journalism." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13 Mar. 2016. Web. 26 Mar. 2016.
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